Podcast 17: Right to Bear Arms (Part 2)
There are some restrictions on the right to bear arms, pursuant to the Michigan Constitution. Find out what those are in this podcast.
Podcast 16: Right to Bear Arms (Part 1)
The Right to Bear Arms pursuant to the Michigan Constitution allows for protection for oneself, property and the State of Michigan
Podcast 15: Freedom of Speech (Part 4)
Defamation traditionally occurs when a newspaper writes a story which harms the reputation of the individual. How do we protect the media yet balance a reputation?
Episode 14: Freedom of Speech (Part 3)
Freedom of speech protects obscenity laws, political contributions, commercial speech and political speech.
Episode 13: Freedom of Speech (Part 2)
We continue the conversation about Michigan’s Constitution; Article 1, Section 5; and the Freedom of Speech. This time, we focus in on how the Michigan… Read More »Episode 13: Freedom of Speech (Part 2)
Episode 12: Freedom of Speech (Part 1)
Although the United States Constitution wraps all our free speech rights into the First Amendment, our Michigan Constitution does not. It breaks it up between… Read More »Episode 12: Freedom of Speech (Part 1)
Episode 11: MI Legislature v. MI Governor
This time we discuss the Michigan Legislature suing the Michigan Governor over Executive Orders
Episode 10: Barbers & Governors & EOs (Oh My!)
Barber Manke versus Governor Whitmer’s Executive Order
Episode 9 — Freedom of Religion (Part 4)
This topic, specifically Article 1, Section 4 is going to be broken up into 4 podcasts. There is a lot of information to share. This… Read More »Episode 9 — Freedom of Religion (Part 4)