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Michigan Governor

MI Supreme Court Case Review 10.28.2024

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We see a 5-2 mash-up of Democratic and Republican nominated justices both rule in favor of, and against, the Plaintiff in the case of River Crest Catering v. the Director of the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services.

Podcast 23: Bills of Attainder

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A bill of attainder occurs when the Michigan Legislature criminalizes something you did in the past, when it wasn’t illegal to do it, and does not provide you with a judicial trial. This podcast will review situations where individuals believed the Legislature took an action, against them as a Defendant, and attempted to make their behavior a criminal in nature, without the benefit of a trial.

Episode 20: The EPGA & Gov. Whitmer

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We review the Michigan Supreme Court case regarding the Executive Orders issued by Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer under the Emergency Powers of the Governor Act (EPGA)

Podcast 19: Military Power

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The Michigan National Guard will be subordinate to civil authorities during times of peace.